Update: Folklorama Cultural Preservation Fund Processes in Place!

Folklorama is excited to provide you with an update on the Folklorama Cultural Preservation Fund.

Established in 2020, this Fund was created for Folklorama member organizations to apply for awards that align with preserving and promoting culture for children and youth up to 25 years old.

With two years of fundraising complete, the Folklorama Operations team started to evolve the plans to ensure continuity for the future. In 2022, Folklorama partnered with the Winnipeg Foundation to create the Folklorama Cultural Preservation Endowment Fund. Since the Fund has started, over $35,000 has been raised, including a partial match by the Winnipeg Foundation.

Each year, the Winnipeg Foundation will notify Folklorama of the annual spending amount generated by the Fund during the last quarter.

While Folklorama recognizes that many requests fall within our guidelines and merit support, the Folklorama Cultural Preservation Fund can only provide an award(s) based on the amount allotted from the disbursement. For example, if the allocation is $500. These amounts would be divided as follows as determined by the jury: 2 x $250 or 5 x $100 gifts.

Based on the success of the jury model used in the selection process of the Ambassadors’ General competition on an annual basis, a jury will be established for the awarding process of the Fund. The jury will be made up of representatives from other arts/culture organizations, Youth Council, Folklorama members, and a partnership advocate. The jury will be overseen by the Director, Marketing, Communications & Engagement, with support from the Executive Assistant.

Parameters include providing funding that:

  • Supports the cost of participating in ethno-cultural dance instruction
  • Supports the cost of participating in established programs for learning a language of their heritage
  • Supports the cost of participating in or establishing a program where traditional foods and recipes are prepared
  • Supports the cost of training for succession planning in community organizations (i.e., governance, logistical planning, volunteer management, environmental practices)
  • Supports costs associated with participation in educational programs that focus on learned experiences of ethno-cultural diversity, equality, and inclusion (summer camp, workshops, information sessions)
  • Supports the cost of travelling to national and international festivals and competitions directly related to the preservation of culture (ethnic dance, music, etc.)

Applications will open on September 1st, and all members will be notified and provided with information on how to apply.

If you have any questions, please contact Tanya Williams, Director, Marketing, Communications, & Engagement, at [email protected].

Here’s to inspiring youth for years to come!