A Decade of Volunteerism: Calvin Loi

Calvin Loi’s dedication to volunteering with Folklorama for the past 10 years is truly commendable. His unwavering commitment to this organization has made him an invaluable member of the Folklorama family.

Loi began his volunteer journey with Folklorama in 2013 as a Pavilion Volunteer at the Indochina Chinese Pavilion. Since then, he has dedicated his time as a Tour Guide for Folklorama’s VIP Tours and has been involved in numerous special events, including the Ambassadors’ Inauguration Ceremony and the Folklorama Kick-Off.

In 2019, Loi became one of the Chinese Pavilion’s Adult Ambassadors, eventually becoming one of two Adult Ambassadors’ General from 2020 – 2021.

Calvin Loi’s involvement led him to officially become a member of Folklorama. Currently, he serves on the Finance & Audit and Licensing Committees of the Folklorama Board of Directors.

“I am still amazed by the beautiful cultural mosaic we have interwoven throughout our Province.” States Loi, “As a result, I decided to become a Folklorama member to continue supporting Folklorama’s mission of celebrating ethno-cultural diversity and promoting cultural understanding.”

Membership is only a piece of Loi’s Folklorama Story. In celebration of 10 years, Calvin was able to attend 27 Pavilions during Folklorama 52 and celebrate alongside the many volunteers he has met along the way

“Throughout this journey, I have met so many dedicated and inspiring volunteers who put tremendous time and effort into keeping their own culture alive.” States Loi. “Whether they are aged 3 or 80, or anything in between and beyond, the commitment and dedication of these volunteers to sharing their own culture never fails to inspire me.”

As we celebrate Calvin’s 10th anniversary with Folklorama, we want to express our biggest thank you for his service and dedication. He truly embodies the spirit of volunteerism and has made a lasting impact on both Folklorama and the community as a whole. Here’s to many more years of Calvin’s invaluable contributions to Folklorama!

To learn more about volunteering with Folklorama, contact Katie Green, Coordinator, Member & Festival Services at [email protected]