Bringing Curriculum to Life

Educating middle school students can be a challenge. But what if you can bring the curriculum to life? Springfield Middle School teacher Samantha Luczenczyn-Lane did just that when she booked the Folklorama at School program.

“I wanted to offer my students something that was more hands-on,” said Luczenczyn-Lane. “Experiencing cultures is a part of the grade seven curriculum, and having artists perform, and talk about their heritage hits a lot of the curriculum points.”

During their experience, Luczenczyn-Lane’s grade seven students were introduced to two distinct cultures – The McConnell Irish Dancers and Mittal Joshi, an Indian classical dancer. Both groups teamed up to help students gain insight into different cultural communities and traditions.

“When reading my students’ reflections after our Folklorama at School experience, I was really able to see what students personally took away from it,” said Luczenczyn-Lane. ” We’ve read a lot of stories and watched videos, but this experience was so much more personal and was able to connect with students in a different way.”

Folklorama at School is designed to help students appreciate and respect cultural differences and motivate students to take pride in their own cultural heritage, all while meeting with the Manitoba curriculum.

“They really pay attention when it’s right there in front of them and they get a chance to participate,” said Luczenczyn-Lane. ” I would recommend Folklorama at School to any educator looking to get real experience for students. The process to book was easy and I really saw my students become engaged.”

Book your experience today by contacting Folklorama at [email protected].