Partner Profile: Red River Co-op

For generations, Red River Co-op has been a beacon of community spirit, more than just a place to shop—it has been a cornerstone of unity, support, and shared prosperity. For the staff of Red River Co-op, they understood that their efforts didn’t just keep stores and gas bars running smoothly; they fueled the engine of local progress.

Inspired by the opportunity to broaden their community involvement, Red River Co-op eagerly embraced the chance to support Folklorama, a celebration of cultures that brings people together.

“Team members are eagerly anticipating the chance to embark on group tours, immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of traditions showcased at the Festival,” said Janelle Oyugi, Director of Marketing, “For us, it isn’t just about attending the Festival—it is an opportunity for team building, cultural exchange, and shared experiences that will strengthen our bonds as colleagues and friends.”

Beyond the Festival, Red River Co-op remains steadfast in its commitment to giving back, through its Community Giving program, Co-op continues to invest in local charities and non-profits that align with its mission and values.

For Red River Co-op and its dedicated team, being a partner of the Festival is more than just a celebration—it is a reaffirmation of their shared commitment to building a better, more connected community for generations to come.

If your company wants to get involved with Folklorama, contact Kim Morphy, Director, Festival Operations & Partnerships today at [email protected].