50 Years of Sharing Croatian Culture

This past weekend, Croatian Folklorama Ensemble, “Croatian Dawn”, finally celebrated turning fifty.

Since its inception in 1972, the Croatian Folklore Ensemble has entertained audiences with its energetic and colourful songs and dance. With over 70 members, Hrvatska Zora or the English translation “Croatian Dawn”, comprises of a Tamburica Orchestra, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior level dancers, as well as an Alumni group for those performers who still enjoy sharing their love of Croatian folklore.

The founding members came from different regions of their beloved homeland bring with them different steps, cultural attire, and songs. They worked hard to bring to life the rich traditions of the Croatian identity for all to enjoy.

“Croatian Dawn” prides itself on showcasing the beauty and diversity of Croatian culture. With numerous traditional national cultural attire (some hand-made by the ensemble and others directly from Croatia), a collection of various traditional instruments (played by the Tamburica Orchestra), and the vocal variety in the performances (both acapella and accompanied), the depth and range of the Croatian culture.

“Croatian Dawn” has been fortunate to share its assortment of choreographies and musical repertoire, with audiences on numerous occasions. Croatian Pavilion Zagreb at Folklorama being the mainstay for the ensemble, “Croatian Dawn” also has performed all over western Canada, numerous local Manitoba performances, and in the United States of America. The senior group was also invited to perform on the popular children’s TV show, Sesame Street.

Čestitam “Croatian Dawn”! Here’s to many more years of celebrating Croatian culture locally, nationally, and internationally!