Grupo Rümel’s comeback to the Casinos of Winnipeg Folklorama Kick-Off!

After a long hiatus since their performance at the Folklorama Festival in 2019, Grupo Rümel is making a triumphant return this year at the annual Casinos of Winnipeg Folklorama Kick-Off. The vibrant energy and rich cultural heritage they bring to the stage have been missed, and their comeback promises to be an unforgettable experience. Join us as we delve into the heart of Grupo Rümel’s journey, their passion for music, and their deep connection to the community!




When did Grupo Rümel begin performing and how did you get involved with Folklorama?

Grupo Rümel officially formed in 2016. Most of the dancers have been dancing together for many years. Many of us have been dancing since the inception of the Chile Lindo Pavilion. As we have grown up, we formed Grupo Rümel which is a Mapuchen word for “Forever”.


What type of music do you perform and what are the cultural influences that inspire Grupo Rümel?

Our dance group solely focus on Chilean folklore music and dances. We perform dances from all over Chile and the Island of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) which has a Polynesian influence. Our goal every year is to bring as much authenticity to the dances we do. With the help of social media, we have been able to learn and create with others to better ourselves.




You are performing at our annual at Casinos of Winnipeg Folklorama Kick-Off! What do you look most forward to about your performance?

This is our second time performing at the Casinos of Winnipeg Folklorama Kick-Off. We are always so excited and eager to show what our culture and Pavilion have to offer. This year we will be performing our national dance, la cueca, and our dances from the Island of Rapa Nui (Easter Island). We also are excited to see what other Pavilions and cultures share. It’s always a great experience to hear, watch and connect with others during these events.

What would you say to anyone who has never been to the upcoming event?

The Casinos of Winnipeg Folklorama kick-off is always the place to be to see a snippet of what Folklorama is. It is like a sample platter. You get an opportunity to experience a little bit of what Folklorama is and begin to plan what you’d like to see during the two-week festival.


Thanks Grupo Rümel for chatting with us and for volunteering at Folklorama! Mark your calendars for our annual Casinos of Winnipeg Folklorama Kick Off at the Assiniboine Park’s Lyric Theatre from 4:00-8:00pm! This FREE family-friendly celebration will launch the 53rd Folklorama Festival!