When we came to Canada some 20 odd years ago from South Africa our children begged us to make them Biltong, the South African equavalent of jerky
Very soon their freinds also wanted it and later on the South African doctors practicing in Manitoba realized the health benefits and also asked me to make it for them.
It did not take long for our home kitchen to become overwhelmed and we had to hire a registered kitchen to meet the health regultions, the customer base continued to grow and 4 years ago we decided to go commercial and the company “A Taste of Africa Inc” was born.
Biltong is the same as jerky in that it is a dried meat, but the proceedure is vey different.
In South Africa biltong is considered a delicacy, every family has their own secret recipe which is passed down from generation to generation, we have brought our family recipe with us to Canada.
The best local beef jerky with a variety of flavours.