Keeping Workers Safe: 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions Ltd.
Keeping workers safe since 2010 has been the backbone of 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions, but their partnership with Folklorama is a key ingredient to Folklorama’s success.
1Life Workplace Safety Solutions is a dedicated group of safety professionals, software programmers, and support team, passionate about sending workers home safe at the end of the day while supporting employers to increased efficiency and profits. They collaborate with a diverse client base to develop and continuously enhance powerful web and mobile educational applications that increase overall workplace safety risk management while driving downtime, administration, and compliance costs. 1Life was founded in 2009 by President and CEO, Theo Heineman, CRSP, CHSC, B.Sc.Ag.
For the past four years, 1Life Workplace has been there to provide health and safety training not only for the Folklorama operations team, but for the volunteers as well. They have also supported the development and implementation of a fully functioning safety management system.
“The safety of our Folklorama family, visitors, and others are imperative to our organization,” states Kim Morphy, Director, Festival Operations & Partnerships. “Thanks to our partnership with 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions, Folklorama is constantly on top of all the latest health and safety procedures and protocols through their well-organized online and in-person training modules.”
As four-time winners of the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering for excellence by a group and their impact on workplace safety, 1Life has one important factor in common with Folklorama: caring for their community.
“It is very important for us to be contributing to our community and supporting those organizations that make Winnipeg and Manitoba a better place to live, especially those that bring joy and celebrate our unique differences, ” states Theo Heineman, President & CEO, 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions. “Folklorama is all of these things and more and it’s our deep privilege and honor to support the organization to be ensuring the safety of all of their stakeholders. Strength in diversity is one of our company‘s core values and that also aligns us deeply.”
With a mission statement that states their impact on sending workers and volunteers home to their families safe and healthy at the end of every workday, Folklorama remains one of their favourite events.
“A favorite memory of mine is some of the first orientation we did with all the pavilion leaders, “states Heineman. “ I was so proud of the Folklorama team and all the efforts to coordinate, taking these huge steps towards building a culture of safety that will sustain the health and safety of the organization into the future! It was fun to meet with all of those leaders and orientate them to all of the aspects of a meaningful safety management system.”
Thank you 1Life Workplace Safety Solutions for your ongoing support.
If you would like more information on how to partner with Folklorama, contact Kim Morphy today at